
When booking through our online booking app you will be required to enter your card details in the event of last minute cancellations or no shows. This doesn’t take any money from the card unless you do cancel with the time period or no show. Once you’ve had your appointment you can pay in whatever method suits you.

We totally understand that life gets in the way, however, we do have a 48 hour cancellation policy, this means if you do cancel within the 48 hour period your booking you will be charged 50% of the treatment cost. If you don’t cancel but don’t turn up you will be charged 100% of the treatment fee.

There will also be no toilet facilities at the salon for the Foreseeable future.

On booking any nail treatments please make sure you have booked in any nail art you’d like and gel removals so we can make sure we have allocated enough time else we may not be able to do it for you.